English to afrikaans meaning of

Auschwitz is 'n eienaam wat verwys na 'n dorp in die suide van Pole. Tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het die Nazi's 'n konsentrasiekampkompleks in hierdie dorp gestig, bekend as Auschwitz-Birkenau, wat berug geword het vir die volksmoord van miljoene Jode en ander gemarginaliseerde groepe. Daarom het die naam "Auschwitz" sinoniem geword met die Holocaust en die gruweldade wat gedurende daardie tyd gepleeg is.

Sentence Examples

  1. All you had to do was take a visit to Dachau or Auschwitz or Srebrenica to see what kind of monsters humans could be.
  2. I was sent to Auschwitz with my wife and two small daughters soon after the ghetto revolt in forty-three.
  3. Transported by memories of that fateful morning in Warsaw a lifetime ago, Krakowski remembered his distant past, images of his murdered family and Auschwitz merging into a painful blur.
  4. Jana smiled at him and mentioned the name of the American GI who had written a book about the musicians of Auschwitz.