English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "attest" is om te voorsien of te dien as duidelike en onmiskenbare bewys of bewys van iets. Dit kan ook beteken om die waarheid van iets te verklaar of te bevestig, dikwels in 'n formele of wetlike konteks, of om van iets of iemand te getuig, veral in 'n regs- of amptelike hoedanigheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. As Autumn Leaves can attest, this can lead to some misunderstandings.
  2. There are a lot of things wrong with the Catholic Church, as this semi-fallen away Catholic can attest, and there are a lot of things that it gets right.
  3. Their holding camps are crude but effective, as you can attest.
  4. I was never much good at bluffing, as Curtis Benson would attest.
  5. And as millions could attest, she possessed a supreme gift of imagination.