English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "attaché" is 'n diplomatieke amptenaar wat aan 'n spesifieke ambassade of konsulaat toegewys word om administratiewe pligte uit te voer of om gespesialiseerde kundigheid te verskaf. Die term kan ook verwys na 'n militêre offisier wat in 'n skakel- of adviserende hoedanigheid aan 'n buitelandse ambassade of konsulaat verbonde is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sporting a black attaché case, he could have passed for a fifty-year-old salesman peddling insurance door-to-door.
  2. Moments later, I was introducing Michael, in beige khakis and rolled-up shirt sleeves, to Moreau, the embodiment of the public servant in a white shirt, dark blue jacket, and an attaché case.
  3. He peered at it, then slipped it into his attaché case.
  4. Moreau unbuttoned his jacket and sat opposite us, his attaché case close by.