English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "weermag" is 'n groot georganiseerde groep mense, gewoonlik soldate, opgelei en toegerus vir oorlogvoering of militêre operasies. Die term kan ook verwys na 'n groot aantal mense of dinge wat saamwerk na 'n gemeenskaplike doel of doel, soos "'n leër van vrywilligers wat werk om die park op te ruim." Die woord "weermag" kan ook in figuurlike sin gebruik word om 'n groep mense of dinge te beskryf wat verenig en kragtig is, soos "'n leër van ondersteuners wat hul gunsteling sportspan ondersteun."

Sentence Examples

  1. An army of Iserhian aliens were being slaughtered by a horde of rocket launcher-wielding ogres.
  2. By the time he arrived outside the Citadel, Urkzal and the city army had already flooded through, annihilating the immediate threat of the demons to the children.
  3. This would be the third time he or his accomplice opened the portal, but this time Kurrlan was going to unleash his army.
  4. When he peered out the window, he saw an army of ice balls bouncing off the castle walls and fields below.
  5. He could stop this, make the army go away, he just had to sacrifice himself.
  6. Last I heard he was in some distant world, quelling a monstrous army that had arisen.
  7. Brooke noticed the entrance chamber held an army of statues, each wall lined by dozens, all clasping swords or other weapons.
  8. Brooke saw the sphere appear between the demon army and her friends.
  9. As Evan and the others approached, Urkzal, Arnvar and Casselle came into view, leading an army of elves, orcs and every other race from the city into battle.
  10. An army of monsters lapped against the walls like demonic waves as they hissed, crooned and giggled.

TV Series Examples



He couldn't lead an army



We should have a standing army



And it has become an army



One army - a real army