English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "kas" verwys na 'n soort klerekas of kas, tipies groot en dikwels versier, wat gebruik word vir die berging van klere, linne of ander huishoudelike items. Dit het gewoonlik een of meer deure wat oopmaak om rakke, laaie en hangruimte te openbaar

Sentence Examples

  1. It was a trick I first discovered when I was cleaning an armoire that had been permanently locked since Master Morau broke a key in it.
  2. The only reward I got was an end to the beatings once he discovered that the armoire was actually still intact.
  3. I headed for an armoire and looked back at Kassie who fussed over Lucky.
  4. I wandered through the rows, marveling at an old settee here, an armoire there.
  5. Complete with our own dressing table, armoire, and seating area.
  6. He had to replace all the expensive clothing that was stuck inside, much to his displeasure, but the armoire itself was more expensive than the garments combined, and he refused to have it damaged to recover them.
  7. She ignored all of these things and went over to the far wall where her oak armoire was.