English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "apokrief" is iets wat van twyfelagtige egtheid of van twyfelagtige oorsprong is. Dit word dikwels gebruik om 'n storie, bewering of rekening te beskryf wat wyd versprei word, maar nie geverifieer is nie en dalk nie waar is nie. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n boek of geskrif wat nie beskou word as deel van die aanvaarde kanon van die Skrif of letterkunde nie. Oor die algemeen dui die woord "apokrief" op 'n gebrek aan geloofwaardigheid of betroubaarheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. One might just as well try to make out that the history of Guarino Mezquino, or of the quest of the Holy Grail, is false, or that the loves of Tristram and the Queen Yseult are apocryphal, as well as those of Guinevere and Lancelot, when there are persons who can almost remember having seen the Dame QuintaƱona, who was the best cupbearer in Great Britain.
  2. On the other hand, I reflect that he related and told the story with all the circumstances detailed, and that he could not in so short a space have fabricated such a vast complication of absurdities if, then, this adventure seems apocryphal, it is no fault of mine and so, without affirming its falsehood or its truth, I write it down.
  3. Logan had heard stories, perhaps apocryphal yet widely believed, that Baku warriors had defended their homeland against post-Impact Chinese, Indian, and Russian invaders using nothing more than steel blades and deadly cunning.
  4. What apocryphal, ill-devised incidents, attributing to one saint the miracles of another!