English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "antieke" is die meervoudsvorm van die byvoeglike naamwoord "antieke", wat beteken dat hulle vir 'n baie lang tyd of uit 'n verre verlede bestaan het. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "oues" na die mense, beskawings of dinge wat tot 'n baie ver verlede behoort, wat dikwels 'n gevoel van wysheid, tradisie of eerbied impliseer. Die term "oues" kan ook verwys na die senior lede van 'n organisasie of samelewing wat gerespekteer word vir hul kennis en ervaring.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some of your ancients will have fought them as well.
  2. And five warriors total, a mix of ancients and new?
  3. They were trying to find four teens in Sri Lanka three ancients and one possible new birth.
  4. Having a desire to see those ancients who were most renowned for wit and learning, I set apart one day on purpose.
  5. The circle representing all the peoples of the world, intersected by the pyramid of knowledge deeded to them by the ancients.
  6. I wonder how many of their ancients you killed last time around, or the time before that.
  7. You are just one warrior against two ancients, John.
  8. Those that have ancients in them will hopefully awaken them.
  9. The same awareness of the River that brought you here is shared in some way by all the ancients, warriors, and elders on both sides.
  10. The brothers are famous ancients, since close relatives being warriors is uncommon.