English to afrikaans meaning of

Die bywoord "pateties" is afgelei van die byvoeglike naamwoord "pateties," en dit het twee hoofwoordeboekbetekenisse:Op 'n wyse wat jammerte of deernis ontlok of uitdruk; op 'n manier wat hartseer of jammer is. Voorbeeld: "Die ou man was pateties swak en kon skaars loop."Op 'n manier wat so onvoldoende, onsuksesvol of oneffektief is dat dit lagwekkend of veragtelik is. Voorbeeld: "Die maatskappy se poging tot 'n nuwe advertensieveldtog was pateties swak en kon geen belangstelling genereer nie."

Sentence Examples

  1. She clung to him, weeping pathetically between coughing fits.
  2. Ruck pressed the button to start the chariot again, but it wheezed pathetically.
  3. He brought his head to the earth, bowing pathetically.
  4. He also felt along the sides of the pit with his hands to see if it were possible to get out of it without help, but he found they were quite smooth and afforded no hold anywhere, at which he was greatly distressed, especially when he heard how pathetically and dolefully Dapple was bemoaning himself, and no wonder he complained, nor was it from ill-temper, for in truth he was not in a very good case.