English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ambassadeur" is 'n hooggeplaaste diplomaat of verteenwoordiger wat deur 'n regering of organisasie aangestel is om hulle in 'n vreemde land of internasionale organisasie te verteenwoordig. Ambassadeurs het tipies die gesag om verdrae te onderhandel, by diplomasie betrokke te raak en hul land se belange en beleid te bevorder. Hulle is ook verantwoordelik vir die handhawing van diplomatieke betrekkinge en die bevordering van kulturele uitruiling tussen hul tuisland en die land waar hulle gepos is.

Sentence Examples

  1. That this breed of struldbrugs was peculiar to their country, for there were no such people either in Balnibarbi or Japan, where he had the honor to be ambassador from his majesty, and found the natives in both those kingdoms very hard to believe that the fact was possible, and it appeared from my astonishment when he first mentioned the matter to me, that I received it as a thing wholly new, and scarcely to be credited.
  2. And I must answer the American ambassador for your conduct.
  3. Like the details of most Ambassador missions, even the ones where people were killed.
  4. Still, nobody signed up as an Ambassador purely for the Valerian hover bikes.
  5. Consider this an order from Ambassador Winant himself.
  6. In the Alliance, magic-wielders who made Ambassador were often the first picked for missions.
  7. Okay, so one of the primary tasks of an Ambassador was effective communication with people from offworld.
  8. Janis followed the ambassador to a large central hallway, taking a right turn into a tubular one that curved back to the left.
  9. Janis fed on the escaping life forces of the two dying cultists, their bodies disintegrating as he super-heated the air in his hands and hurled the ball of fire at the ambassador.
  10. He delivered Tom into a car like none he had entered since he moonlighted as a bell hop at the Ambassador and a valet sidekick took him for a spin.