English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Allah" is die Arabiese term vir God, wat dikwels in Islamitiese godsdienstige kontekste gebruik word. Dit is afgelei van die Arabiese taal en word beskou as die persoonlike naam van God in Islam. Die woord "Allah" is 'n kombinasie van twee Arabiese woorde: "Al" wat "Die" beteken en "Ilah" wat "God" beteken. Daarom beteken "Allah" "Die God" of "Die Een God". In Islamitiese teologie word Allah beskou as die een en enigste God, en die oppergod wat die heelal geskep het en dit volgens Sy wil regeer.

Sentence Examples

  1. He had made a terrible choice and Allah had made this sickness his price.
  2. Men who prayed to Allah during the day and filled their luxury suites with high-end call girls at night.
  3. Why was it only the Jews Allah told the killing of one innocent man was as the killing of the entire world?
  4. The Christian died, and I know that she did not go to the fire, but to Allah, because since then I have seen her twice, and she told me to go to the land of the Christians to see Lela Marien, who had great love for me.
  5. Fail not to write to me and inform me what thou dost mean to do, and I will always answer thee for the great Allah has given us a Christian captive who can speak and write thy language well, as thou mayest see by this paper without fear, therefore, thou canst inform us of all thou wouldst.