English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "alles" wissel na gelang van die gebruik en konteks daarvan, maar hier is 'n paar algemene betekenisse:Adjektief: die hele hoeveelheid of omvang van iets; elke lid of deel van 'n groep Voorbeeld: "Al die studente in die klas het die eksamen geslaag."Bywoord: heeltemal; tot die volle omvang Voorbeeld: "Hy het al die koek geëet."Voornaamwoord: elke persoon of ding Voorbeeld: "Almal is welkom om die vergadering by te woon."Selfstandige naamwoord: die hele getal of hoeveelheid van iets; alles wat bestaan of moontlik is Voorbeeld: "Al die kaartjies is verkoop."Oor die algemeen is "alles" 'n woord wat gebruik word om na die hele of volledige stel van iets te verwys, of dit nou mense, dinge of idees is.

Sentence Examples

  1. All her gestures were over-exaggerated, and her words offered two, maybe even three levels to them.
  2. A quick perusal of the earlier posts revealed similar sentiments, all fixated on my father for some perceived sense of unfair balance with the generous donations bestowed upon Braxton.
  3. She thought it would be a fun twist to rearrange all the tables in Stanton Concert Hall to face the center of the room.
  4. The way the body laid on the floor all tangled up was the most horrid part.
  5. Wait until I told Eleanor and Nana D all about Dr.
  6. It was anchored by a flagstone fireplace and adorned with hand-crafted antique furniture my parents had traveled all over the state to procure.
  7. A limestone facade mined from local Betscha quarries in the 1870s covered all three stories of the impressive building.
  8. My father was passionate about keeping the authenticity of a traditional log cabin while my mom required all the modern conveniences.
  9. I needed to find out what this feud was all about.
  10. The ceilings were vaulted at least twelve feet high and covered in endless cedar planks with knots in all the right places.

TV Series Examples



lt's your gods with all the rules.



prone to all manner of perversions.



with the queen and all the rest of them.



All the great knights



- l'm told he reads all night.



all 40,000 men and their horses too,