English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Ali" kan verskeie verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlikhede:Ali (selfstandige naamwoord): 'n manlike voornaam van Arabiese oorsprong, wat "verhewe" of "edel" beteken. Dit is 'n algemene naam onder Moslems en word dikwels gegee om die vierde kalief van Islam, Ali ibn Abi Talib, te vereer.Ali (eiennaam): die neef en skoonseun van die profeet Mohammed, en die vierde kalief van Islam. Hy word deur Shia-Moslems beskou as die eerste Imam en regmatige opvolger van Mohammed.ali- (voorvoegsel): 'n voorvoegsel wat in chemie gebruik word om die teenwoordigheid van 'n alkeen- of alkyngroep in 'n molekule aan te dui.Ali (selfstandige naamwoord): 'n tipe kleipot wat in die Midde-Ooste en >

Sentence Examples

  1. He then endeavored to re-enter the marvellous grottos, but they had suddenly receded, and now the path became a labyrinth, and then the entrance vanished, and in vain did he tax his memory for the magic and mysterious word which opened the splendid caverns of Ali Baba to the Arabian fisherman.
  2. Ali had received his instructions, and went down the Corso, crossed the Campo Vaccino, went up the Strada San Gregorio, and reached the gates of St.
  3. Then Ali brought on the dessert, or rather took the baskets from the hands of the statues and placed them on the table.
  4. Ali was on the box, in whom Franz recognized the dumb slave of the grotto of Monte Cristo.
  5. Ali alone was present to wait at table, and acquitted himself so admirably, that the guest complimented his host thereupon.
  6. Peppino placed himself beside Ali, and they set off at a rapid pace.
  7. I always had a desire to have a mute in my service, so learning the day his tongue was cut out, I went to the Bey, and proposed to give him for Ali a splendid double-barreled gun, which I knew he was very desirous of having.
  8. The head of the police, Hussein Ali, denies any wrongdoing.
  9. Each of them took one, which Ali lighted and then retired to prepare the coffee.
  10. He descended, or rather seemed to descend, several steps, inhaling the fresh and balmy air, like that which may be supposed to reign around the grotto of Circe, formed from such perfumes as set the mind a-dreaming, and such fires as burn the very senses and he saw again all he had seen before his sleep, from Sinbad, his singular host, to Ali, the mute attendant then all seemed to fade away and become confused before his eyes, like the last shadows of the magic lantern before it is extinguished, and he was again in the chamber of statues, lighted only by one of those pale and antique lamps which watch in the dead of the night over the sleep of pleasure.