English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "eedsverklaring" is 'n skriftelike verklaring of verklaring wat onder eed of bevestiging gemaak is, wat tipies as bewys in 'n regsopset gebruik word. Dit is 'n formele, beëdigde verklaring wat vrywillig gemaak word deur 'n persoon wat daartoe gemagtig is, soos 'n notaris of ander gemagtigde amptenaar. Beëdigde verklarings word algemeen gebruik in regsgedinge, soos hofsake, om feitelike inligting of getuienis te verskaf. Daar word dikwels vereis dat hulle onderteken en notarieel is om die egtheid en waarheid van die verklaring te verifieer.

Sentence Examples

  1. The end of it was that the licentiate reckoned up for him by thrusts every one of the buttons of the short cassock he wore, tore the skirts into strips, like the tails of a cuttlefish, knocked off his hat twice, and so completely tired him out, that in vexation, anger, and rage, he took the sword by the hilt and flung it away with such force, that one of the peasants that were there, who was a notary, and who went for it, made an affidavit afterwards that he sent it nearly three-quarters of a league, which testimony will serve, and has served, to show and establish with all certainty that strength is overcome by skill.