English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "abbe" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n titel van respek vir 'n lid van die geestelikes, spesifiek 'n Katolieke priester of 'n Protestantse predikant, wat soms as 'n voorvoegsel vir hul naam gebruik word.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Franse woord vir "vader" of "pappa," ook gebruik as 'n term van 'n man.tipe van 'n mens. lens wat gebruik word om te korrigeer vir chromatiese aberrasie, dikwels vernoem na die Duitse fisikus Ernst Abbe.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n soort stof wat gemaak word van die wol van die Angorabok, soortgelyk aan bokhaar.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n klein dorpie in Frankryk, geleë in die Bourgondië >-streek in Hugo's in die streek Burgundy. Miserables," wat 'n priester is en 'n belangrike rol in die verhaal speel.

Sentence Examples

  1. The reputation of being out of his mind, though harmlessly and even amusingly so, had procured for the abbé unusual privileges.
  2. The abbé was a man of the world, and had, moreover, mixed in the first society of the day he wore an air of melancholy dignity which Dantès, thanks to the imitative powers bestowed on him by nature, easily acquired, as well as that outward polish and politeness he had before been wanting in, and which is seldom possessed except by those who have been placed in constant intercourse with persons of high birth and breeding.
  3. Dantès drew back, and gazed on the abbé with a sensation almost amounting to terror.
  4. In strict accordance with the promise made to the abbé, Dantès spoke no more of escape.
  5. Now this was a Sunday, and the abbé had come to ask his young companion to share the luxuries with him.
  6. He besought the jailer one day to let him have a companion, were it even the mad abbé.
  7. The very madness of the Abbé Faria, gone mad in prison, condemned him to perpetual captivity.
  8. But for this precaution, which, it will be remembered, the abbé had made to Edmond, the misfortune would have been still greater, for their attempt to escape would have been detected, and they would undoubtedly have been separated.
  9. His recital finished, the abbé reflected long and earnestly.
  10. The abbé did not know the Island of Monte Cristo but Dantès knew it, and had often passed it, situated twenty-five miles from Pianosa, between Corsica and the Island of Elba, and had once touched there.