English to zulu meaning of

Igama elithi "rolling" linezincazelo eziningi zesichazamazwi kuye ngomongo elisetshenziswe kuwo. Nazi ezinye izincazelo ezivame kakhulu:Ukuqhubekela phambili ngokujikajika ku-eksisi noma endaweni. Isibonelo: Ibhola beliginqika phansi egqumeni.Lenza umsindo ojulile, oqhubekayo. Isibonelo: Ukuduma bekugeleza kude.Ukukhiqiza noma ukusabalalisa okuthile ngokuqhubekayo noma kancane. Isibonelo: Inkampani ibikhipha umugqa womkhiqizo omusha.Ihamba ngendlela enganyakazi neqhubekayo. Isibonelo: Isitimela besisehla kujantshi.Ukuceba noma ukuphumelela ngendlela eqhubekayo. Isibonelo: Inkampani ibingenisa inzuzo.(slang) Ukuba ngaphansi kwethonya lezidakamizwa, ikakhulukazi i-MDMA. Isibonelo: Ubegcwele injabulo ephathini.(slang) Egebenga noma entshontsha okuthile. Isibonelo: Amasela abegingqa izindlu endaweni.Qaphela ukuthi incazelo ethile yegama elithi "rolling" ingase yehluke kuye ngokuthi isetshenziswa kanjani, kanye nezincazelo ezengeziwe. ngale kwalaba ababalwe lapha kungenzeka kube khona.

Sentence Examples

  1. She threw herself backwards, rolling over her bed and grabbing her short sword.
  2. Instead, I enjoy the rolling countryside of northwest Arkansas with the budding sycamore and maple trees, fields full of rolled hay and nonchalant cows and little rolling streams crossing the highway.
  3. Rolling my eyes, I closed the door behind me and faced the boss.
  4. Cursing, I let go before it impaled my leg, rolling as I hit the ground.
  5. It hit the monster with a crack that sent it rolling down the corridor.
  6. He noticed his face had returned to normal, and tears of anger and despair were rolling down it.
  7. It was a vicious ocean of rolling, seething blood, a terrible black sun brooding among its midst.
  8. Unnatural shadows exploded out of the trees onto the fields, not yet taking clarity under cover of darkness and rolling mists.
  9. Most of the homes in the immediate vicinity were three-bedroom ranches on small parcels with fenced-in front and backyards for children and dogs to play, less any worry about balls rolling into the street or wild animals roaming in from the mountains.