English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "pubescent" ithi:(komuntu) ukufinyelela ekuthombeni futhi abonise izici zocansi zesibili ezihlobene nakho, njengokukhula kwezinwele zesitho sangasese kanye nokushona kwelanga. izwi.(lesitshalo noma isilwane) ekuqaleni kokukhula lapho kuvela uboya bokuqala, izimpaphe, noma amazenga.(engaphezulu) embozwe ngobufushane obucolekile. izinwele noma i-fuzz.

Sentence Examples

  1. Not only did you claim it painful to read, pubescent and trite, you said cavemen conveyed their message with more finesse.
  2. She remembered Uncle Sebastian at Christmas time, insisting that she still sit on his lap, despite being a pubescent teenager.