English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "gulch" iwumhosha owumngcingo noma oseceleni onamagquma, ngokuvamile onomfula ogeleza kuwo. Kungase futhi kubhekisele emhosheni omncane onamatshe noma umbhede womfudlana owomile othwala amanzi kuphela phakathi nemvula enkulu. Leli gama livame ukusetshenziselwa ukuchaza isici sezwe esimazombezombe nesiwumngcingo, ngokuvamile esitholakala ezindaweni ezinezintaba, esidalwe ukuguguleka.


  1. flume

Sentence Examples

  1. Well, they might not even be able to find Dry Gulch.
  2. She was about to insist that they stop this foolishness and turn back toward Dry Gulch, but a light in the distance caught her eye.
  3. Was it possible the people of Dry Gulch had been using the talent themselves?
  4. Circumstance again shoves our affection into a gulch.
  5. As far as Desa could tell, they had turned northeast but Dry Gulch was about forty to fifty miles northwest of the abandoned town.