English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "glowing" ithi:adjective:Ukukhanya okukhiphayo noma okukhiphayo, ngokuvamile ngenxa yokushisisa noma ukuthungela. ; ecwebezela. Isibonelo somusho: Amalahle avuthayo omlilo oshisayo akhanyisa ukukhanya okufudumele ekamelweni.Kubonisa umbala ogqamile, ofudumele, noma ocebile noma ithoni. Umusho oyisibonelo: Wayenebala elikhazimulayo ngemva kokuchitha usuku espa.Waveza noma wezwa ngomzwelo ojulile; eshisekayo noma ejabulile. Umusho oyisibonelo: Uthole ukunconywa okukhazimulayo ngokudlala kwakhe emdlalweni.Ubonakala ngokubukeka okunempilo, okunempilo, noma okujabulisayo. Umusho oyisibonelo: Ingadi ibigcwele izimbali ezikhazimulayo eziqhakaza ngokugcwele.Ezincoma kakhulu noma ezitusekayo; ukunikeza udumo noma ukuncoma. Isibonelo somusho: Incwadi ithole ukubukezwa okukhazimulayo okuvela kubagxeki.

Sentence Examples

  1. As Brooke walked to Healing training, she saw everything from a box of glowing green worms someone had left on a windowsill, to High-Realmers training with hi-tech pulse pistols.
  2. Waking from the magic shock to see Ada, eyes glowing blinding white, surrounded by crackling white lightning.
  3. Evan noticed several glowing billboards were hovering in the air, blaring advertisements.
  4. In every nightmare, the only clear feature was the glowing violet eyes.
  5. Moments later, she realised giant mushrooms stood high above too and that many of the mushroom spots and tree leaves were glowing in the dark.
  6. She resembled a giant spider, but with a dozen legs and four heads, each bejewelled by six glowing green eyes.
  7. Instinctively, I smile back, glowing in the recognition of my work that my family routinely fails to offer.
  8. He stood, immersed in the shadows like a startling phantom, a ghost with glowing embers for eyes.
  9. Standing on top of the broken shell of a truck crouched five youths, glaring at Brooke with glowing eyes.
  10. Xavier frowned and pulled a glowing object from his pocket as it emitted a loud beeping noise.