English to zulu meaning of

indlulamithi isilwane esincelisayo esikhulu sase-Afrika esinentamo nemilenze ende kakhulu, amabala ejazini laso, nezimpondo ezimbili noma ngaphezulu ezimfishane ekhanda laso. Igama lesayensi lendlulamithi lithi Giraffa camelopardalis, futhi iyisilwane sasemhlabeni eside kunazo zonke emhlabeni, esifinyelela ukuphakama okungamamitha angu-18. Izindlulamithi ziyizilwane ezidla utshani futhi zitholakala ezindaweni ezihlala emathafeni nasezihlahleni ezise-sub-Saharan Africa.


  1. camelopard
  2. giraffa camelopardalis

Sentence Examples

  1. Settling into a semi-conscious haze with only the sound of her heart and his internal chronometer for company, he had an odd memory of being ten years old, in this very house, and curling up in this bed with a toy giraffe that played bedtime lullabies.
  2. One hastens to Southern Africa to chase the giraffe but surely that is not the game he would be after.