English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "frosted" iwukumboza noma ukuhlobisa (ikhekhe, ikhekhe, noma okunye ukudla) ngoqweqwe oluncane luka-icing noma ushukela, okwenza kube nesithwathwa. Kungase futhi kusho ukumboza (into ethile) ngongqimba oluncane lwesithwathwa noma iqhwa, noma ukwenza (into ethile) ingabonakali noma icace ngokuyenza ibe lukhuni indawo yayo. Ukwengeza, "iqhwa" lingabhekisela kumbala ophaphathekile noma othulisiwe wendawo, njengokungathi imbozwe isithwathwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Stella knocked at a door with a frosted glass panel that led into a private dining room.
  2. I strolled from my villa toward the main hotel and its pool decks frosted in fairy lights.
  3. Large, circular, frosted glass windows looked back at them like eyes, and a row of steps led from the platform to the large brass door.
  4. His breath frosted the air, and his cheeks had gone numb.
  5. Or every frosted blond hair falling from her head.
  6. Frosted with green mold, they still allowed enough muted light to signal they were at or near the surface.