English to zulu meaning of

Igama elithi "Erie" linezincazelo eziningi zesichazamazwi kuye komongo. Nazi izincazelo ezimbalwa ezingaba khona:Ichibi: U-Erie angabhekisa kuLake Erie, okungelinye lamaChibi Amakhulu amahlanu aseNyakatho Melika. Itholakala emngceleni we-United States ne-Canada.Isizwe soMdabu waseMelika: U-Erie angaphinde abhekisele kubantu base-Erie, isizwe soMdabu waseMelika esasihlala endaweni ezungezile. I-Lake Erie ngaphambi kokuhlala kwabantu base-Europe.Isiphawulo esichaza umuzwa wokwethuka: U-Erie angasetshenziswa njengesichasiso ukuchaza into eyethusayo noma engajabulisi. li>Idolobha: U-Erie futhi angaba ibizo loqobo, kubhekiselwa kudolobha lase-Erie, ePennsylvania e-United States.Isifunda: Erie ingaphinde ibhekisele ku-Erie County, okuyisifunda esisesifundeni saseNew York e-United States.

Sentence Examples

  1. Anyone who wanted to go to Erie stood on the wooden sidewalk near the Brewster house at six-thirty in the morning, though it was likely to be closer to seven before the coach finally arrived.
  2. Olivia only remembered him going to Hillsong or Erie.
  3. Then she breathed in the fishy smell of the lake and turned to look at Erie, strung out along the shore.
  4. She alighted in Erie and stood on the sidewalk, blinking and beating the dust from her clothes.
  5. Erie did not appear to be a wealthy city, but its inhabitants were clearly better off than their neighbors in the countryside Logan had just passed through.
  6. With that Erie Canal open, ten steamboats are docking in Detroit every day, full of people looking to buy land.
  7. She put off facing the day for a while by trying to place Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Toledo, and Detroit on it.
  8. When the boat docked in Erie she marched to the stagecoach office.
  9. Feeling as if she could sleep all the way to Erie, she lay down and stretched out.