English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "crested" isho ukuba ne-crest, okusho ikama, i-tuft, noma inqwaba yezimpaphe, uboya, noma isikhumba ekhanda lesilwane, ikakhulukazi inyoni. Kungase futhi kubhekisele entweni enomumo noma ukubonakala okufana ne-crest, njengamagagasi noma amagquma. Igama elithi "crested" lingasetshenziswa futhi ngomqondo ongokomfanekiso ukuchaza into ephakeme noma ehlukanisiwe, njengesimo somuntu noma impumelelo.

Sentence Examples

  1. The pleasure crested with his bite and we came together.
  2. Lance stood by the window as the first rays of sunlight crested the skyscrapers.
  3. As she crested the edge, she pulled herself forward on her stomach until she lay on the stone tiled floor.
  4. This, thankfully, gave me the chance to speed up with less chance of discovery as he crested over a ledge and out of sight.
  5. I followed the drive up, running, crested the hill and stopped.
  6. There were trees as you crested the top of the moor about a quarter mile ahead, and Richard was riding towards them, not quickly though.
  7. I realized suddenly that the table had crested the top of the conveyor and I was going over.
  8. They crested a rise with the setting sun to their backs, its orange light giving an amber tint to the long dry grass that pervaded the fields.
  9. The sun rippled on sapphire waves crested with milky white foam.
  10. I was up before the sun had crested the horizon, the sky a blackened bruise fading to blue.