English to zulu meaning of

Igama elithi "ilulwane" lingaba nezincazelo eziningi kuye komongo, ezinye izincazelo zesichazamazwi ezingaba khona yilezi:Isilwane esincelisayo esinamaphiko akhethekile okundiza, esivame ukusebenza. ebusuku, futhi baziwa ngamakhono abo e-echolocation.Ingcezu yesisetshenziswa esisetshenziswa emidlalweni ehlukahlukene, njenge-baseball noma ikhilikithi, ehlanganisa induku yokhuni eyindilinga noma yensimbi esetshenziswa ukushaya. ibhola.Ukushaywa noma i-stroke eyenziwe ngelulwane noma into efanayo.Ukundiza noma ukundiza ngokushesha.Iyunithi yokulinganisa elingana no-5% wezezimali, ngokuvamile esetshenziswa uma kubhekiselwa kuzilinganiso zenzalo.Itemu elivamile elinencazelo "uyahlanya" noma "uhlanya."


  1. at-bat

Sentence Examples

  1. Passing the historical bat house, she marveled at the thought of collecting bat guano for gunpowder.
  2. Evan lumbered over, swinging his sword like a baseball bat.
  3. He was spitting distance away when I raised the cane by my side and held it like baseball bat.
  4. Raising my hand in the air, I fired a jet-stream of mace into his face and then swung the bat.
  5. Defensively, I held out the bat, swinging it slowly side to side.
  6. They resembled giant ants, only if those ants had long red horns and leathery bat wings.
  7. Between me and the moonlight flitted a great bat, coming and going in great whirling circles.
  8. Harry saw a man further down the street, he was stood on his porch whacking them with a bat.
  9. I vaulted forward, and as much as I hated to hurt an animal, I swung the bat with all my might at its glistening orange fur.

TV Series Examples



with no one but this old bat



ls that the black bat of Harrenhal