English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "acretion" inqubo yokukhula noma ukwanda ngokunqwabelana kancane kancane noma ukungezwa kwezingqimba, izinhlayiya, noma okunye okubalulekile. Kungase futhi kubhekisele ekwakhiweni kancane kancane noma ukunqwabelana kwento ethile ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, njengokukhula kweplanethi kusuka ezinhlayiyeni ezincane noma ukunqwabelana kwenhlabathi emfuleni. Kwezinye izimo, "ukuzuza" kungaphinde kubhekisele ekwengezweni kwemibono emisha noma ulwazi enhlanganweni ekhona yolwazi noma yokuqonda.

Sentence Examples

  1. Suddenly starting from a proposition, exactly and sharply defined, in terms of utmost simplicity and clearness, he rejected the forms of customary logic, and by a crystalline process of accretion, built up his ocular demonstrations in forms of gloomiest and ghastliest grandeur, or in those of the most airy and delicious beauty, so minutely and distinctly, yet so rapidly, that the attention which was yielded to him was chained till it stood among his wonderful creations, till he himself dissolved the spell, and brought his hearers back to common and base existence, by vulgar fancies or exhibitions of the ignoblest passion.
  2. Age, which had been kept back by the presence of the beloved object, arrived with that cortege of pains and inconveniences, which grows by geometrical accretion.
  3. This already rapid accretion of power was greatly accelerated by the death of President Burr to cholera just eight months into the crisis.
  4. It was a crude arrangement, probably a pressure plate under the earth connected to an assortment of metal spikes and debris that, once set off, snapped into the sides of the chariot, sending the thing rolling down the hill and setting off more traps on its way until it crashed against the last remaining bit of ridgeline as little more than an accretion of junk metal.