English to zulu meaning of

Incazelo yesichazamazwi yegama elithi "ukwamukela" ithi: ukuvuma ukukholwa noma ukwamukela okuthile; uzimisele ukubekezelela noma ukuhambisana nokuthile. Kungasho futhi ukwamukela noma ukuthatha okuthile okunikezwayo noma okunikezwayo. Lingabhekisela esimweni sengqondo noma ukuziphatha komuntu mayelana nesimo, umbono, noma umuntu, okubonisa ukuzimisela ukuvuma, ukuqonda, noma ukukwamukela.

Sentence Examples

  1. So we have no ceremony for accepting you into our nation.
  2. Long fingers, gentle fingers, cupped her head and she relaxed, accepting the pain that followed.
  3. He died as he had lived, accepting his lot bravely and cheerfully.
  4. No one else around here would be remotely accepting of his circumstance except maybe one person.
  5. The powers that be hushed up the affair, the local Bobbies accepting generous backhanders from notable dignitaries as payment for banging a few heads together.
  6. Like I was accepting my fate, and that was not what I was doing.
  7. I have had one lesson already in accepting facts that should make a man humble to the last hour of his life.
  8. She remains oblivious to my quietude, or is accepting of it, enjoying the free rein she has.
  9. Accepting the cup he handed her, she wrapped her hands around it, warming them.
  10. Some looked accepting of the notion, while many appeared unsure.