English to telugu meaning of

"నావికాదళం" అనే పదానికి నిఘంటువు అర్థం ఓడలు, షిప్పింగ్ లేదా నావికులకు సంబంధించినది. ఇది నౌకాదళానికి సంబంధించిన ఏదైనా లేదా సముద్ర కార్యకలాపాలను నిర్వహించే దేశం యొక్క సైనిక శాఖను సూచిస్తుంది. ఇది నావికా నిర్మాణం (నౌకల రూపకల్పన మరియు నిర్మాణం), నావికా యుద్ధం (సముద్రంలో పోరాటం) లేదా నావికా గూఢచార (సముద్ర భద్రత మరియు కార్యకలాపాలకు సంబంధించిన సమాచారాన్ని సేకరించడం మరియు విశ్లేషించడం) వంటి వాటిని కూడా సూచించవచ్చు.

Sentence Examples

  1. At once, the Royal Naval ship altered course towards them, sails straining before the wind and a bone splendid in her jaws.
  2. Naval power was heading steadily, and hopefully stealthily, across the Pacific, ready to engage when or if the opportunity presented.
  3. Confederate naval commanders often asked for volunteers from the ships they captured, so the sailors who manned Federal merchant vessels would often change allegiance to avoid imprisonment.
  4. He was a fine old fellow, with the look of a naval officer, and was desperately respectful to the company.
  5. He motored past Fort Pickens and Naval Air Station Pensacola before entering Pensacola Bay.
  6. Target and release on naval and air assets are unresponsive.
  7. American naval vitality was diminishing and China was filling the void, powerfully so.
  8. This Royal Naval squadron was driving them, appearing at different points of the compass to usher Alexander MacGillivray before them.
  9. I have copied them chiefly to show you the extreme remissness of the police, who, as far as I can understand from the Prefect, have not troubled themselves, in any respect, with an examination of the naval officer alluded to.
  10. Wearing the same blue and gold naval coat, his thick brown hair is just as unruly.