English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "topknot" ni mtindo wa nywele ambapo nywele hukusanywa na kufungwa sehemu ya juu ya kichwa, na kutengeneza fundo au fundo. Neno hilo pia hutumika kurejelea fundo au fundo lenyewe. Neno "topknot" kwa kawaida hutumika kuelezea mtindo wa nywele ambao huvaliwa na wanaume na wanawake na mara nyingi huhusishwa na mavazi ya kitamaduni au rasmi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Other warriors appeared to her left and right, all with tanned scalps, shorn save a single black topknot that hung down the back.
  2. His greasy black hair was pulled back into a hasty topknot, and his beard was short but almost completely unkempt, a mass of wiry oil locks suffocating his face.
  3. All adult warriors now shave their heads, but for a single topknot and tail that they maintain as a way to honor the horse gods who live here.