English to swahili meaning of

Kama nomino, "lengo" kwa kawaida hurejelea kitu au lengo ambalo hulengwa au kutafutwa. Inaweza pia kurejelea mtu au kitu ambacho ni kitu cha kuzingatiwa, kukosolewa, au kejeli ya mtu.Kama kitenzi, "lengo" linamaanisha kulenga au kuelekeza kitu kuelekea kitu au lengo fulani. Inaweza pia kumaanisha kuchagua kitu au mtu kama mlengwa au kuangazia kitu kwa njia mbaya au mbaya.


  1. butt

Sentence Examples

  1. Arantay spotted their target amidst the chaos and raced after.
  2. This often occurs on missions when tracking down a moving target.
  3. He jumped back as the knife whizzed past and stuck point first in the target.
  4. The element of surprise was on my side, and I hit my target dead-on.
  5. It just seemed odd that a killer would target someone so innocuous.
  6. The first boy fell short of the circular target, although Brooke doubted any normal teenager could throw a knife that well.
  7. Swinging his arm wildly around the bank, he seemed undecided on a target.
  8. It struck the target dead centre, and then rebounded.
  9. The magic still zinged through my veins as I lifted a knife in my right hand, focusing on the target.
  10. Seems to me that if someone wanted to abuse young women, they would be the perfect target.

TV Series Examples



The target is smaller.