English to swahili meaning of

Kuna ufafanuzi kadhaa wa neno "strip" katika kamusi, kulingana na matumizi na muktadha wake. Hapa kuna baadhi ya maana za kawaida:Kuondoa nguo au vifuniko kutoka kwa mtu au kitu. Mfano: Alivua koti lake na kulitundika kwenye ndoano.Ili kuondoa kitu kwenye uso, kama vile rangi, Ukuta au vanishi. Mfano: Alitumia wikendi nzima kuvua Ukuta wa zamani kutoka kwa kuta.Kunyima mtu au kitu chochote mali au rasilimali zote. Mfano: Vita hivyo viliipokonya nchi utajiri na miundombinu yake.Kuondoa sehemu au sehemu kutoka kwa mashine au gari. Mfano: Fundi aliondoa injini hadi vipengele vyake vya msingi ili kutambua tatizo.Ili kumvua nguo, kuvua nguo kwa njia ya kutongoza. Mfano: Mcheza densi alivua nguo zake taratibu kwa shangwe ya watazamaji.Sehemu nyembamba au eneo la ardhi, mara nyingi lenye sifa au vipengele maalum. Mfano: Ukanda wa ufuo ulikuwa umejaa waogeleaji na waogeleaji.Kipande kirefu, chembamba, ambacho mara nyingi hutumika kwa mapambo au kufunga kitu. Mfano: Alifunga zawadi kwa utepe wa rangi.Msururu wa michoro au picha zilizopangwa kwa mlolongo wa mlalo, ambazo hutumiwa mara nyingi katika vitabu vya katuni au riwaya za picha. Mfano: Msanii aliunda kipande kizuri ambacho kilisimulia hadithi ya matukio ya msichana mdogo.Ili kuondoa kazi au cheo cha mtu, mara nyingi ghafla au isivyo haki. Mfano: Alivuliwa cheo chake baada ya kunaswa akidanganya kwenye mtihani.


  1. flight strip
  2. landing strip
  3. airstrip

Sentence Examples

  1. No law touches that desolate little strip of land.
  2. Jamie closed the door and led Dean through the plastic strip curtains that smelt of strong disinfectant.
  3. He took one and then pulled a strip of paracetamol from his pocket.
  4. Douglas had a strip of wallpaper over his shoulder, and his legs quivered.
  5. If I were to forcibly remove my bracelet, it would strip me of my abilities.
  6. Cattle, household pets and even the rats that scuttled in the streets all became food for a creature whose sole purpose seemed to be to strip all life from the planet.
  7. Murdock forced him to place his rifle against the wall and then strip.
  8. Shirley seems acquainted with just about every business on the strip.
  9. Ruby protested at being made to strip naked, but Liz persisted until her child relented.
  10. It was the sword that Hawke had taken with him from the manor, which he had concealed in a strip from his own threadbare robe before we started our ride to Changirah.

TV Series Examples



l strip him of all ranks and titles...