English to swahili meaning of

Kama nomino, "msururu" unaweza kuwa na maana kadhaa, ikijumuisha:Mstari mrefu, mwembamba au alama ya rangi tofauti au umbile kutoka kwa mazingira yake.Mkimbio unaoendelea au mfululizo wa kitu, mara nyingi hutumika kuelezea utendaji mzuri au mbaya au tabia.Kipindi kifupi au mlipuko wa shughuli au hisia.Kama kitenzi, "msururu" kinaweza kumaanisha:Kuweka alama au kutengeneza mstari mrefu, mwembamba au msururu kwenye kitu.Kusonga kwa kasi au kwa ghafla katika mwelekeo fulani. mara nyingi hutumika kuelezea mtu anayekimbia uchi katika eneo la umma au kuonyesha tabia isiyo ya kawaida.Mifano ya matumizi:Nomino:Kulikuwa na mwanga mkali angani wakati kimondo hicho kikipaa juu.Timu iko kwenye wimbi la kupoteza baada ya kupoteza michezo mitano iliyopita.Alikuwa na mfululizo wa bahati mbaya ambayo ilidumu kwa wiki.Kitenzi:Alipaka ukuta kwa rangi.Mwanariadha alitinga hatua ya mwisho. line, na kuvunja rekodi ya dunia.Sherehe ilikuwa ya kusuasua hadi kundi la wageni lilipojitokeza sebuleni na kusababisha tafrani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Giving in to the ultimate temptation, I loosed a small streak of lightning, zapping him in the stomach.
  2. If what he said was true, then sometime during the last forty-eight hours, the inch-thick streak of white in my hair had quadrupled.
  3. The group of blood drenched adults waddled along the corridor, blood dripped onto the floor and left a streak of red.
  4. Harry had a black streak running along his right arm and the doctor rubbed the vein and inserted the needle.
  5. From a window in my pretty prison, I watched six large and beautiful wolves streak from the compound toward the forest.
  6. Pressing my eyes closed, I flinch, rooted on the spot when a sharp streak of lightning cuts across the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder.
  7. He glanced up, focusing on the white streak in my otherwise dark hair.
  8. He ruffled my hair, fingers pausing on the streak of white.
  9. If he offers to break my losing streak right now, I might even say yes.
  10. His salt and pepper hair is perfectly combed back, a bit of a white streak happening around one temple but this guy plays it up, embracing what I suspect is early middle age.