English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "mate" ni dutu ya kimiminika ambayo hutokea kinywani mwako unapozungumza au unapokaribia kukohoa au kupiga chafya, pia hujulikana kama mate. Spittle kwa kawaida ni mchanganyiko wa maji, kamasi, na vimeng'enya ambavyo husaidia kuvunja chakula na kusaidia usagaji chakula. Katika baadhi ya miktadha, neno “mate” linaweza pia kurejelea mate yanayotolewa mdomoni, hasa wakati wa kuzungumza, kukohoa, au kupiga chafya, ambayo wakati fulani yanaweza kuonwa kuwa yasiyo ya adabu au yasiyo safi.


  1. saliva
  2. spit

Sentence Examples

  1. Carl and Aric were also dodging attacks from the second beast, which was in an even more rabid state than this one, drool hanging from its curved teeth, spittle flying.
  2. The dog sat in front of her, wagging its tail happily, tongue hanging out loose and spittle dripping from its mouth.
  3. The varulf wiggled, spittle and blood dribbling from its mouth along with incomprehensible curses.
  4. The coughing fit continues and now blood comes up as well as spittle.
  5. Spittle sprayed from its mouth as it issued its challenge.
  6. He stared at the boys with evil intent and roared, spittle spraying from his mouth.
  7. Red spittle flew from my mouth as I took ragged breaths.
  8. Spittle flew from its mouth, splattering on the steps underneath it.
  9. A much bigger creature lumbered out of the alleyway, tusks bared and spittle flying madly.
  10. Spittle fell from his lips, hanging from his chin.