English to swahili meaning of

Fasili ya kamusi ya "kumwagika" ni kusababisha au kuruhusu (kitu) kukimbia au kuanguka kutoka kwa chombo, kwa kawaida bila kukusudia au kwa bahati mbaya, au kufurika au kutawanyika. Inaweza pia kurejelea kutawanya au kuacha vitu kwa bahati mbaya, kama vile karatasi au vifaa vya kuchezea. Zaidi ya hayo, "mwagika" inaweza kutumika kama nomino kurejelea mfano wa dutu iliyomwagika au wingi wa dutu iliyomwagika.

Sentence Examples

  1. Each swing of its swords cleaved graceful arcs that threatened to rend flesh and sever muscle, to spill blood and end lives.
  2. Nana D was the first to spill whatever was on her mind or laugh when others said anything negative about her.
  3. Embarrassment and frustration finally got the upper hand and tears welled up unwanted in her eyes, threatening at the slightest sharp movement to spill forth in tell-tale tracks down her cheeks.
  4. The fact that he would spill such highly classified information on me raised even more concerns.
  5. His stomach twisted, wanting to spill its contents.
  6. Judith was there now, her embroidered skirts arranged to spill in neat and even folds over her knees, silver threaded flowers finding themselves picked out in the firelight.
  7. I sucked in a breath and gripped the edge of the bar, trying to control the bloodthirsty growl threatening to spill from my mouth.
  8. And then the central reservoir of water began to bubble and spill out from its confines.
  9. I entered and navigated, as best I could by the spill light, a small rock garden to a spot just beneath the window.
  10. That gave me the chance to see, by the houselight spill, that my attacker was Mike Nikitin.