English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "soured" ni kuwa siki au kusababisha kitu kuwa siki, ambayo kwa kawaida hurejelea ladha ya chakula au kinywaji. Inaweza pia kurejelea kuzorota kwa uhusiano au hali, kama vile "urafiki ulioharibika baada ya mabishano."

Sentence Examples

  1. My attempt to explain the realities of a harsh world soured by violence led to a passionate disagreement.
  2. Either the presence of the wizard or his chance remark had soured the camaraderie he had begun to establish.
  3. Ten miles of lurching turns had soured my exhilaration, not to mention my stomach, when at last the train gave its final sigh.
  4. They would win the day, but it would be soured somehow.
  5. So Tom decided, if Oz showed up late or tooted some notes that soured the arrangement, he had better go easy on the nagging.
  6. Christine Delaney had perfected the art of office gossip, and after having found herself the subject of the grapevine three years before, when her relationship with another officer had soured, Alex tended to avoid anything to do with the woman.
  7. I must admit, my own lust for the device had quickly soured.
  8. The stench of soured dairy emanated from her pores.
  9. But it soured when she heard dad and Dana yelling at each other downstairs.
  10. Warfare burned the land of Alba from south to north and west to east blood soured the rivers, and broken bones salted the fields.