English to swahili meaning of

Fasili ya kamusi ya neno "mchawi" ni mchawi wa kike au mwanamke anayefanya uchawi, hasa uchawi au uchawi. Kwa kawaida hurejelea mwanamke anayeaminika kuwa na nguvu za ajabu au za kichawi na huzitumia kuroga, kuwalaani watu au kuita pepo. Neno hili mara nyingi hutumika katika kazi za fantasia na ngano kuelezea wahusika wa kike wenye uwezo ambao wana uwezo na maarifa ya fumbo.

Sentence Examples

  1. The sorceress watched them disappear into the ballroom with a sour look on her face.
  2. Though the Church considered the practice of magic blasphemous, they had no real power to control what the sorceress did.
  3. The magic the sorceress used on Darius was an ancient form of Wiccan magic that only slightly altered his appearance.
  4. A long pull, followed by a slow exhalation, and the sorceress was standing alone in the garden once more.
  5. The Princess dismissed the sorceress who, under protest, left the two alone.
  6. He was human, long lived for one of his species, and the sorceress suspected that Posh was experimenting on his manservant with longevity spells.
  7. The words haunted the sorceress however, as Rozlynn was her only real friend in the world.
  8. Though he did not know what spell the sorceress was casting, he threw himself across the room to stop whatever it was she was doing.
  9. Travel time between two points was nearly constant despite the distance, which never ceased to amaze the sorceress.
  10. Don Quixote kept an eye upon her from his watchtower, and observing her costume and noting her silence, he concluded that it must be some witch or sorceress that was coming in such a guise to work him some mischief, and he began crossing himself at a great rate.