English to swahili meaning of

Fasili ya kamusi ya "udogo" ni ubora au hali ya kuwa ndogo kwa ukubwa, kiwango au kiasi. Inarejelea sifa ya kuwa kidogo kwa ukubwa au kiasi na kukosa ukubwa au umuhimu. Neno "udogo" mara nyingi hutumiwa kuelezea kitu ambacho ni kidogo au kidogo kwa ukubwa, au kitu ambacho si cha maana au kisicho muhimu.


  1. pettiness
  2. littleness

Sentence Examples

  1. Nothing deterred by the smallness of his audience, which, in truth, consisted only of the discontented scout, he raised his voice, commencing and ending the sacred song without accident or interruption of any kind.
  2. As in his cubhood he had been made to feel his smallness and puniness on the day he first came in from the Wild to the village of Grey Beaver, so now, in his full-grown stature and pride of strength, he was made to feel small and puny.
  3. The feeling of awe and smallness Skull had felt as a child returned.