English to swahili meaning of

Kama kitenzi, "sluice" ina maana ya kumwaga au kumwaga kioevu kupitia mfereji, au kuosha au kumwaga kwa wingi wa maji. Kama nomino, "sluice" inarejelea mkondo au mfereji wa maji, haswa unaotumika kudhibiti mtiririko wa maji kwa mitambo ya nguvu au kwa umwagiliaji.


  1. flush

Sentence Examples

  1. Opening the sluice gates, focusing the flow powered numerous Pneumatikoi.
  2. Jack, intent on making a rapid exit, headed for the door in the corner and the steps leading to the sluice gates.
  3. Richard gestured with the knife for Guy to move sideways, when the fat man was far enough away he stepped past him and pulled open the door leading to the sluice gates.
  4. He got as close to the door as he could and threw the bucketload of slops across the floor, trying to sluice the petrol away.