English to swahili meaning of

Ufafanuzi wa kamusi wa neno "mwovu" unaweza kutofautiana kidogo kulingana na muktadha unaotumiwa, lakini kwa ujumla, hurejelea kitu ambacho ni nyembamba sana au konda, mara nyingi chenye mafuta kidogo au bila ya ziada au misuli. Inaweza pia kutumiwa kuelezea mtu ambaye ni mwembamba sana au aliyedhoofika, au kuelezea mavazi ambayo yanabana au yanayotosha umbo. Katika baadhi ya miktadha, "mwovu" pia inaweza kutumika kumaanisha "ndogo" au "kutosha kidogo," kama katika maneno "bajeti ya ngozi."

Sentence Examples

  1. Several inches taller than me, she was also extremely skinny.
  2. So skinny her clothes hung on her as if she were a coat rack.
  3. They wore skinny jeans, despite the heat, and looked like a couple of hipsters to me.
  4. The skinny man prepared to throw a looping, overhand right.
  5. I tore off my pants and quickly pulled on a pair of skinny jeans.
  6. This, my uncle heard, and he gripped my hand with skinny, bruised fingers.
  7. I observe my neighbour, standing there looking sheepish in her lurid green kaftan with her skinny black legs poking out beneath.
  8. He grabbed the back and lifted it, cords standing out on his skinny arms from the weight of it.
  9. Bridget had chosen a white cable-knit sweater and a pair of skinny jeans that looked modern and chic.
  10. A little skinny with a nasty old rope tied round his neck, but that was Jake, all right, coming about one hundred miles per hour straight at me.