English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "kuona" ni kitendo cha kuona kitu, hasa kisicho cha kawaida au cha kustaajabisha, au uchunguzi wa kitu au jambo fulani, mara nyingi kwa lengo la kukitambulisha. Inaweza pia kurejelea kitendo cha kuona kitu fulani, kama vile mnyama porini au mtu mashuhuri hadharani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Not as dangerous as soldiers, but still able to report a sighting of the renegade prince on their return even if they chose not to tackle him themselves.
  2. In any one of those windows an eye might be sighting me down the barrel of a gun.
  3. Sure, some of the sailors claimed they may have seen some land in this whole ordeal, but it was just a passing hint, more of an inability to rule out land than actual sighting of land.
  4. She recognised landmarks and fumbled for her keys before sighting the Spider.
  5. A few greenbacks persuaded the police sergeant to patrol my street, but I jump at every creak and wasted a whole afternoon sighting targets.
  6. The last known sighting of Jarrnee Krenn was outside Mission Ginger.
  7. But all it would take would be one Kate sighting, and the word would spread.
  8. For a few years there had been sighting of fins, and a few breaches of the water as they attempted to attack the airships.
  9. In the course of my recuperation, I had occasion to compare my sighting with those of Sir Charles and to devise a strategy to obviate further apparitions.
  10. A few enquiries lead them to the Sailboat on the Sea where there had been a reported sighting of the prince.