English to swahili meaning of

Fasili ya kamusi ya "sessions" ni aina ya wingi ya "session," ambayo inarejelea kipindi cha muda ambapo mkutano, darasa, mahakama, au shughuli nyingine hufanyika. Inaweza pia kurejelea mfululizo wa vipindi au mikutano kama hiyo. Neno hili hutumika kwa kawaida katika miktadha kama vile vikao vya kutunga sheria, vikao vya mahakama, vipindi vya matibabu, vipindi vya mafunzo au vipindi vya kurekodi muziki, miongoni mwa mengine.


  1. roger huntington sessions
  2. roger sessions

Sentence Examples

  1. In about fifteen minutes, Cindy and I have built a Thought Bank we can use for numerous sessions.
  2. I have my clients retake the survey every couple of sessions.
  3. Their private sessions only took place after the twin suns had set.
  4. With her extensive marketing background and since she had participated in the BBB program in Swaziland, Wendy was perfectly positioned to provide broad marketing support to the team including writing press releases, developing marketing materials, and creating the training for the initial recruiting sessions.
  5. With this introductory course as a pilot, Wendy and her colleagues could gauge what class content was appropriate for each age group, how long the sessions needed to be, and how to help prepare the JA volunteer teachers.
  6. In the larger venues, these sessions consisted of stage shows that alternated singing, dancing, and other entertainment with short inspirational talks on business.
  7. He observed a number of the girls obviously flirting with Lance during their training sessions, but the boy purposely pretended not to notice.
  8. Kirk attended the afternoon sessions of the conference.
  9. They did, and they powerfully reinforced the concepts we had taught in the previous JA program sessions.
  10. After participating in many of these sessions, Wendy had an interesting observation.