English to swahili meaning of

Ufafanuzi wa kamusi wa "baraza" ni kibanda kilichofunikwa kinachounganishwa kwenye mlango wa jengo, kwa kawaida ni nyumba, na kutoa eneo lililofunikwa kwa ajili ya watu kuketi au kusubiri nje. Mara nyingi ni eneo la wazi na paa na wakati mwingine ina matusi au balustrade karibu na mzunguko wake. Ukumbi unaweza kutumika kama sehemu ya kuishi nje au mahali pa kukaribisha wageni kabla ya kuingia sehemu kuu ya nyumba.

Sentence Examples

  1. On the right is a two-story stone house with charming gables and an oversized front porch, no doubt where the owners live.
  2. He looked huge standing on his porch, at least three or four inches taller than me.
  3. Not long after we moved to Laurel Falls, Vester ordered Jake off his porch.
  4. As soon as we hit the driveway, Elbert came out on the porch.
  5. When I pulled up, she was swinging in a rocking chair on the porch.
  6. That and making excuses in case I might judge the looks of his front porch.
  7. I dusted myself off and rushed under the protection of a covered porch to read her text.
  8. He heads toward the back porch and watches James and Blair from the oversized picture window, smiling grimly.
  9. The tree that suddenly floated by and took out the corner of the porch.
  10. I turn toward the house but pause at the porch and hand TB the mail.