English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "polished" ni:Laini na kung'aa, kwa kawaida kama matokeo ya kusuguliwa au kutiwa vanishi.Nzuri na iliyosafishwa kwa namna , mwonekano, au ladha.Kuonyesha ustadi wa hali ya juu; iliyokamilishwa au iliyosafishwa.Sentensi za mfano:Vyambo vya fedha viling'aa kwa kiwango cha juu.Alitoa wasilisho lililoboreshwa huko kongamano hilo.Tabia zake ziling'arishwa sana hivi kwamba alivutia sana kila mtu aliyekutana naye.Ufundi wa mwanariadha huyo uliboreshwa baada ya mafunzo ya miaka mingi.


  1. dressed

Sentence Examples

  1. We polished off a bottle of excellent Chianti and finished with coffee and port.
  2. The boulder was cut and polished at the top, creating a flat edge perfect for sliding down.
  3. He recognised the polished boots that he could see approaching across the courtyard.
  4. By the time I polished off the last bit of our shared flan and my glass of port, I felt as though nothing untoward would happen again in my life.
  5. The light-blue stone has been cut into a heart and polished and when I pick it up again, sits warm in my palm.
  6. His knee-high black leather boots were polished to a glossy shine.
  7. The only evidence of care was on the wide, polished sword belt and shining quillons below the hilt.
  8. It appeared as only a darkened shape in the dim light and Catherine assumed it was one of the stable lads, but what light there was caught on polished metal, revealing a sword at his side.
  9. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention an enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world.
  10. The floor is so highly polished, and the walls and the furnishings so rich with gold and chrome, the building seems to radiate its own light.