English to swahili meaning of

Neno "pasty" linaweza kuwa na maana tofauti tofauti, kulingana na muktadha ambamo linatumika. Hapa kuna baadhi ya ufafanuzi unaowezekana:(nomino) Keki ndogo iliyookwa iliyojaa nyama, mboga mboga au viungo vingine vitamu. Mfano: Nilichukua maandazi kadhaa ya nyama ya ng'ombe kutoka kwa mkate ili kupata chakula cha mchana.(kivumishi) Kuwa na rangi iliyopauka, isiyo na afya. Mfano: Baada ya kubanwa ndani majira yote ya majira ya baridi kali, ngozi yangu ilionekana kuwa nyororo.(nomino) Aina ya kibandiko kinachotumiwa katika ujenzi, kwa kawaida hutengenezwa kwa simenti, chokaa na mchanga. Mfano: Mwashi alichanganya kundi la unga ili kuweka matofali mahali pake.(nomino) Kiraka au kifuniko kinachowekwa kwenye jeraha au jeraha. Mfano: Muuguzi alisafisha kidonda na kupaka unga ili kukisaidia kupona.(kivumishi) Nene na nata katika uthabiti. Mfano: Unga wa mkate ulikuwa mkavu sana hivi kwamba ilikuwa vigumu kuufanyia kazi.

Sentence Examples

  1. She saw him then, his pasty skin looking paler than usual as he walked slowly toward them.
  2. A bare instant later, one of the tactical team members, stone-jawed and pasty, bulldozed through the doorway and onto the sidewalk.
  3. His sun-kissed complexion was reduced to a shade of pasty grey.
  4. The corpse was that of a young man with pasty white skin, blue lips, and agony etched all over his face.
  5. Also, be aware that the pasty albino we saw today and about five Red Legs made it on board before they took off.
  6. She looked half Hispanic, her dark gold skin contrasting with his own pasty complexion.
  7. Large dark half-moons emphasised her bulging hazel eyes against her pasty skin.
  8. She could tell by his pasty skin tone and those all-seeing eyes.
  9. Red patches of capillaries dotted his pasty complexion.
  10. He looked possibly sixteen, with a pasty face swarmed with acne and the beginnings of facial hair.