Maana ya kamusi ya neno "furaha kupita kiasi" ni kuwa na furaha kupita kiasi au kufurahishwa hadi kugubikwa na furaha. Inaweza pia kuelezewa kama hisia ya furaha au msisimko unaozidi matarajio au miitikio ya kawaida.
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Sentence Examples
When you arrived with a birthmark, your father and I were overjoyed.
He opened the firebox and was overjoyed to see a small ember still glowing.
Overjoyed by their windfall, the investors hold the counterfeit bonds until full maturity while Harting and Kennard sell the cattle and crops for real currency.
The Faures were overjoyed to tell us all the gory details.
Everyone expressed shock and concern for what would become of the poor boy, but Olivia could see that most of them were overjoyed to have him back.
At ten minutes past five Albert entered overjoyed.
And when she turned up at his door again the next day, throwing herself into his arms, he was overjoyed to embrace her, although he kept her in check with silence.
In general, firbolgs made fantastic Thorns, so Liam had been overjoyed to finally receive one as a student.
He sounded like he was trying to decide whether he should be scared, curious, or overjoyed.
I know Papa thinks it is too soon, but Mama is overjoyed.