English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "lined" ni kuwa na safu ya kitu kwenye uso wa ndani, kwa kawaida kwa ajili ya ulinzi, insulation, au mapambo. Inaweza pia kurejelea kuwa na safu mlalo au msururu wa kitu, au kuwa na alama iliyonyooka au iliyopinda au ukingo unaofafanua mtaro wa kitu fulani. Zaidi ya hayo, "iliyowekwa mstari" inaweza kurejelea kipande cha maandishi au hati yenye mistari iliyochapishwa au iliyochorwa juu yake, ikitoa mwongozo wa kuandika.

Sentence Examples

  1. She and Emi lined up amongst the other Novices, as Mistress Casselle gave a speech about how important magical weapons and armour were on missions.
  2. Quaint shops, the occasional college bar, and student rental housing lined the streets.
  3. The workshop is lined with wooden benches strewn with an array of hammers of all sizes, awls, clamps, saws and an assortment of pliers.
  4. They dug huge holes and lined them with concrete to store water underground.
  5. Brooke noticed the entrance chamber held an army of statues, each wall lined by dozens, all clasping swords or other weapons.
  6. When I reached North Campus at a quarter to seven, several students were lined up to board the cable car.
  7. An unusually long room lined with flat pack shelving units and makeshift benches, the challenges of installing a modern fitted kitchen too much for the previous owner.
  8. The corridor walls to the fire element cavern were constantly alight with fake fire, and the walls leading to the Archives were lined with books that flew and nested like birds, quoting passages of their text instead of bird calls.
  9. Mammoth fur rugs and garish demon skins lined the floor and a total of four roaring fires danced in their hearths, each a different coloured inferno.
  10. It had been two weeks since the final Academy tests in the Passages, and now, it was almost a disappointment to find a monster-free corridor waiting ahead, lined with doors on either side.