English to swahili meaning of

Neno "katiza" ni kitenzi ambacho kina maana nyingi kulingana na muktadha. Hapa kuna fasili mbili za msingi:Kukatiza (kitenzi):Kusimamisha, kukamata, au kukatiza (mtu au kitu) katika usafirishwaji au maendeleo kabla ya kufika kulengwa kwake.Kukamata au kugeuza (kitu kinachosonga) katika njia yake.Mifano ya polisi inaingiliana na mpaka. li>Mchezaji wa kandanda alinasa pasi na kukimbia kwa mguso.Kukatiza (nomino):Kitendo cha kukatiza au hali ya kuzuiliwa.Mchakato wa kupata, kufuatilia, au kusimbua mawimbi ya mawasiliano au ujumbe unaokusudiwa kwa mtu mwingine, bila ufahamu wa sentensi au kibali cha mtu mwingine.>>>>>>>>>>>> ul>Kuzuiliwa kwa mawasiliano ya redio ya adui kulitoa akili muhimu.Kunaswa kwa barua pepe kulikuwa ni ukiukaji wa faragha.Kumbuka kwamba katika muktadha wa hisabati, "kukatiza" kunaweza pia kurejelea mahali ambapo mstari unakatiza mhimili kwenye grafu, kama vile x-intercept au y-intercept.

Sentence Examples

  1. We have been lucky enough to intercept a messenger carrying this news to her at Framlingham.
  2. Several fathers in the room attempted to intercept him and present their daughters, but the King was set on his target.
  3. Recalling his instructions, she ran to intercept the oncoming Arcanists.
  4. A glance to the side revealed two giant men running to intercept her.
  5. I saw your vessel, and fearful of being left to perish on the desolate island, I swam off on a piece of wreckage to try and intercept your course.
  6. Madame Tussaud tried to intercept her with a swing of her scythe, but Farahilde stepped in to catch its handle between the blades of her gauntlet.
  7. Releasing Pandora, the Titan raced to intercept Kelaino, who was actually running toward the chaos.
  8. Mike was the quarterback for the other team, and it was just too easy to intercept almost every throw he tossed.
  9. Sergeant Gonzales possessed courage enough, and some of the men followed him, while others galloped off to right and left, planning to intercept the fugitive when he reached the bottom and turned.
  10. Zeveal rushed to intercept his path, and the two collided and tumbled towards Danil and Demontochai.