English to swahili meaning of

Neno "hip" linaweza kuwa na maana nyingi za kamusi kulingana na muktadha ambalo limetumika. Hapa kuna baadhi ya fasili za kawaida:nomino: makadirio ya pelvisi na mfupa wa juu wa paja kwenye kila upande wa mwili; kiungo cha nyonga.kivumishi: mtindo au wa kisasa, hasa katika utamaduni maarufu.nomino: mtu anayefahamu au anayevutiwa na mitindo na mitindo ya hivi punde. kukatiza: hutumika kuonyesha msisimko au shauku, sawa na "hooray" au "kushangaza."Baadhi ya maana zisizo za kawaida za "hip" ni pamoja na:nomino: tunda la waridi, hasa waridi mwitu.nomino: pembe kati ya mistari inayounganisha katikati ya kitu hadi ncha zake, imetumika. ili kubainisha mwelekeo au upatano wake.kitenzi: kufahamu au kujua kuhusu jambo fulani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Moments later Bill appears with Gloria on his hip.
  2. The Yat sends me a puzzled grin with a hand on her hip, the kind siblings bestow on one another.
  3. My father used to always say that the Grim Reaper wore revenge on his hip instead of a gun.
  4. She had three cuts across her face, several on her arms, and two long ones that reached from her hip to her knees.
  5. Calmly, I pursed my lips together and shot my eyes downwards where the gun was settled against my hip, hoping to send him a message.
  6. One hip jutted forward, and she planted her hands on them.
  7. I plucked at the blades near my hip, severing tiny stalks and tossing them aside.
  8. The bed depressed by my hip and something cool and wet covered my forehead.
  9. He brushed the bottom of his jacket back and reached for the pistol holstered on his hip.
  10. A sharp sciatic pain grips his calf, shooting through his hip and into his buttocks.