English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "mbao ngumu" ni:Nomino:Kuni kutoka kwa mti unaokauka, ambao kwa ujumla ni mgumu na mnene kuliko mti wa miti ya misonobari. Mbao ngumu mara nyingi hutumika katika fanicha, sakafu, kabati na matumizi mengine ambayo yanahitaji uimara na uimara.Mti ambao hutoa mbao ngumu, kwa kawaida mti unaokauka na majani mapana, tofauti na mti wa mkuyu wenye majani yanayofanana na sindano.Kivumishi:Inarejelea, au mti usio na shaka, unaorejelea> mti usio na tija, ambao ni mti mgumu. kwa au tabia ya miti inayotoa miti migumu, kwa kawaida miti midogo midogo yenye majani mapana.

Sentence Examples

  1. He tumbled to the hardwood floor, the massive thing falling onto him.
  2. Balance lost, he went down like a ton of bricks, head hitting the hardwood floor with another loud crack.
  3. Peter Hardwood made his first mistake in believing he had little to fear from Richard Fitzwarren, who he expected to easily capture and return to Harry in exchange for his pension.
  4. A very hardwood that burned with a high-intensity flame.
  5. There is nothing like the feeling of comfort from a well-built fire with kindling from the hardwood Balak tree to make the fire burn fiercely.
  6. Shortly Robert knew of the death of Peter Hardwood, and of the blackmail Richard had used to extort money from Harry.
  7. One, Peter Hardwood, avoided looking in the dock land.
  8. A thunderclap startled him, and a splash of his drink spattered the hardwood.
  9. Of course, he scoffed back at Peter, he had a good memory for all who owed him money, and the one Hardwood sought was, most unfortunately, not among them.
  10. In the gloom, he heard the head as it rolled along the hardwood, ear upon ear, toward the foot of the hearth.