English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "grotto" ni pango dogo au pango, mara nyingi yenye vipengele vya kupendeza au vya mapambo. Inaweza pia kurejelea muundo bandia unaofanana na pango, kwa kawaida hutumika kama mahali pa sala au kutafakari. Neno mara nyingi hutumiwa kuelezea muundo wa asili au ulioundwa na mwanadamu na mazingira ya kupendeza au ya amani, kama vile shamba la bustani au grotto ya bahari.


  1. grot

Sentence Examples

  1. He was more determined than ever to return to the grotto.
  2. Feet scuffed the stone and colossal shadows of black and orange etched the walls of the grotto.
  3. Disappointed to discover that it was now no longer open to the public, nonetheless, he found the Sir Charles, who had the grotto built, included among the previous owners.
  4. To do that they would have needed heavy machinery, but there was no sign of disturbance on the ground surrounding the grotto.
  5. The thundering falls welcomed her and drowned out all outside noise as the water sent a constant hum into the grotto that calmed the fjord horses.
  6. Then, of course, after the fashion of the time, Sir Charles built the grotto around the entrance.
  7. To the north-east of the house, he came to an outcrop, where he discerned the vestiges of a cave within an artificial stone grotto.
  8. Mindlessly, Kallan stepped over the small, manufactured stream directed off the main river outside the grotto.
  9. The sight of the building would give him a better feeling for the man who had built the grotto.
  10. The body of a visitor, mutilated by numerous deep wounds, inflicted according to the coroner by a long-bladed weapon, was found by a family on a day visit to the area who had decided to approach the grotto.