English to swahili meaning of

Fasili ya kamusi ya neno "muhimu" ni sehemu kuu au muhimu ya jambo au hoja; wazo kuu au kiini. Inarejelea vipengele au vipengele muhimu zaidi na vya msingi vya kitu fulani, mara nyingi hutumika kufupisha wazo refu au changamano zaidi.


  1. core
  2. effect
  3. essence
  4. burden

Sentence Examples

  1. As the meeting proceeded, Murdock, who was more versed in their conversation techniques, managed to pick out the general gist of the meeting.
  2. I caught pieces of her thoughts, enough to get the gist of her struggles.
  3. Memories surrounded me as the sensations of his current exploits receded, and I lost track of time as I searched filtering through them by sensing the gist like a glowing marquee above each one.
  4. The gist of it was that I had created an international incident.
  5. From the gist of the conversation, the caller wanted to meet with him tonight.
  6. He hoped he could remember the gist of the conversation.
  7. More times than not, I skim the prologue to get the gist of what is to come.