English to swahili meaning of

Kama nomino, "flap" ina maana kadhaa:Kipande cha nyenzo ambacho huning'inia bila kusita kutoka kwenye uso na kinaweza kusonga mbele na mbele au juu na chini, kama vile kupigwa kwenye mfuko au ngozi ya bawa la ndege.Kifaa kinachosogea na kurudiau juu na chini kwenye filimbi ya hewa, kama vile valvu >. kelele ya ghafla inayotolewa na kitu kinachoenda mbele na nyuma au juu na chini, kama vile bendera kupeperushwa na upepo au mlango kugongwa.Hali ya msukosuko au msukosuko, kama vile sauti ya soko la hisa au sauti ya kisiasa.Kama kitenzi, "kupiga" maana yake ni kusogea mbele na nyuma au juu na kwa sauti ya chini wakati wa kupeperusha kwa kasi, kama vile sauti ya kuruka juu na chini wakati wa kupeperusha bendera, mara kwa mara. upepo. Inaweza pia kumaanisha kuhama au kusababisha kusonga kwa fadhaa au msisimko, kama vile wakati mtu anapiga mikono kwa kufadhaika au wakati bei ya hisa ya kampuni inapopanda na kushuka.

Sentence Examples

  1. Throwing back the tent flap, Daggon entered, followed by a streak of silver and a flash of gold.
  2. He pulled back the flap and poked his head around the corner to see several long trestle tables set up as preparation benches.
  3. Every flap of his powerful wings lifted us ten feet.
  4. The fronds of sturdy palm trees flap a backbeat for the flags lined up in a row in one corner, there to tell passers-by the location of the power.
  5. Cass worked it the rest of the way in, letting Lance secure the flap that held it in place.
  6. Without a word, he lowered the hide flap behind him.
  7. I made them flap as hard as I could and jumped, but my feet fell immediately back to the floor.
  8. A flap of leather with a snap on it could cover the upper hole, keeping whatever was inside from spilling out.
  9. She scrawled her name, replaced the pen, extended fingertips to the flap.
  10. Three sets of feet walked along the sides of the truck, and the rear flap was thrown aside.